Grease Trap Cleaning


Posted on 2018-06-10 08:00:00 By Rechenna Lo


“In the United States alone, an estimated 200 million gallons of used motor oil are improperly disposed of by being dumped on the ground, tossed in the trash (ending up in landfills), and pour down storm sewers and drains. Just one gallon of used oil has the potential to contaminate up to one million gallons of drinking water. Used oil that ends up in the country’s rivers, lakes, and streams can threaten aquatic life”

But motor oil is only one of the many grease sources that can harm our environment.

You can make a difference by educating yourself on how to collect used cooking  oil and grease from your own home and other ways to dispose used oil

Liquefied fat, oil, or grease (FOG) that is poured down the kitchen sink drain can cause serious impacts. FOG can cling to the insides of pipes and the sewer system. Over time, it can build up and can eventually block pipes completely. 

Before you wash your used dishware, scrape or wipe cooled grease and sauces including utensils, cookware and plates into the trash or compost.

Prewash dishware in cold water.  Avoid using the garbage disposal and hot water.  The garbage disposal does not destroy grease, it only makes is smaller.  The hot water rinses the oil off, but it will harden the oil particles in your pipe when it cools down. If you have even a little accumulated grease in your pipes, putting food scraps down the drain can clog your pipes faster.


DO NOT dump cooking oil, poultry fat and grease into the kitchen sink or the toilet bowl.

DO NOT use hot water and soap to wash grease down the drain, because it will cool and harden in your pipes or in the sewer down the line.

DO place cooled cooking oil, poultry and meat fats in sealed non-recyclable containers and discard with your regular garbage.

DO use paper towels to wipe residual grease or oil off of dishes, pots and pans prior to washing them.

These are just tips on how to prevent your pipes from clogging up which can help you save hundreds of dollars in the long run.

If you use large amounts of oil, you should consider calling a grease collection company to help you dispose oil properly and safely. 

To learn more, visit our website -


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