Cooking Oil recycling

How to Recycle Cooking Oil

Posted on 2020-12-10 08:00:00 By Buddy

If you own a kitchen, you will produce large amounts of cooking oil. If not disposed of properly, this has the potential to cause serious environmental problems. It could also potentially damage your building. For example, it might clog up the sinks. This clogging can slow drainage and might release a lot of foul smells. The best way to prevent these problems is by recycling cooking oil. Let’s look at some tips you can use to do this.

1. Avoid Pouring It Down the Sink

Let’s start with one of the biggest things that you should avoid. You don’t want to put cooking oil down the sink. If you do this, it can cause many problems.  As we mentioned, it can clog up the plumbing. You will experience slow water drainage. Trying to repair these clogs can be very expensive. In some cases, you’ll need to hire a professional plumber.

Cooking oil will also flow through the sewer system that can get released into the local ecosystem, damaging local wildlife. It will again clog up the drains in your city. Now that you know what not to do let’s look at some of the best things to do when recycling cooking oil.

2. Install a Storage Unit

The first thing to do is to install a storage unit. This unit will allow you to store used oil when you are finished with it. The type of storage unit that you require will depend on the kind of restaurant you are running. Generally, you want to avoid an outdoor unit, which can be unsafe, as your staff will need to carry the grease out to the storage tub. It will also reduce the curbside appeal of your restaurant. If you need an outdoor unit, you’ll need to keep it safe that can often mean installing a security camera and keeping the unit locked.

Thankfully, most restaurants can have an indoor storage unit. When you call our friendly team, you’ll be able to schedule a visit. One of our representatives will visit your site and assess the storage unit’s size and where to put it. We’ll also help you install the unit. While many businesses are concerned that this will be too expensive, it isn’t the case. Often, you’ll need to pay a small fee to install the equipment. Though Grand Natural will retain ownership of the equipment, you’ll be able to get the full rebate.

3. Transfer Oil to the Storage Tank

Once you’ve installed the tank, you’ll need to develop a transfer of the oil into the tank. There are several ways that you can do this. It’s often best to use a direct pump system that helps automate the process making it as quick as possible. Our representatives can help you find and install the right design for you.

4. Pump the Tank

The final stage of the cooking oil recycling process is to pump the tank, which will remove all the old cooking oil from the tank. This step often occurs very quickly. It will only take around 15 minutes. You can schedule when the pump occurs to minimize disruption to your business. By regularly scheduling the pumps, you can prevent the tank from becoming too full, causing problems.

5. What Can You Do with Used Cooking Oil?

Once you’ve removed the oil, you might be wondering what will happen to it. The most common recycling option is converting it into biodiesel. This service brings many benefits. First, it’s more environmentally friendly. When burnt, it won’t produce as many emissions. It can also be used in a range of vehicles. For example, you can use it in trucks and other commercial vehicles. It can also be used to power machinery at plants. Another significant benefit is the ability to save the business money.

However, there are other uses for used cooking oil, of which you might not be as familiar. For example, it can be converted into animal food. This service is significant because cooking oil contains substantial amounts of protein. Another exciting option is the ability to use cooking oil to produce soaps or lubricants. Many manufacturers prefer to use these recycled products because they can save you money.

6. Use It for Future Meals

There are a few ways that you can use recycled cooking oil. One of the best options might be to re-use it. To do this, place the used cooking oil into a jar at the end of the day. As you’re doing this, you’ll need to strain it through a cheesecloth. This option will ensure that you can catch the crumbs. Then, when you’re ready to start cooking again, place the oil into the pan. There are a few reasons this can be a good option. The biggest is that it will allow you to add more flavor to the food.

7. Add It to Compost

Another option that you may want to explore is the ability to add oil to the compost. This option will attract worms, helping them break down the organic materials. You can then use the compost in your garden. If you’re planning to do this, you’ll only need a small amount. Too much, and you risk killing the earthworms.


Recycling cooking oil doesn’t need to be a complicated process. Once you install the storage tank, it’s effortless. By doing this, you can turn your used cooking oil into a range of useful products, including things like biodiesel. In return, your business will be paid for the oil you supply. Get in touch with the team at Grand Natural to discover more about how this process works and how your business can get involved. 

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